C is a computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the UNIX Operating System. C is a simple and structure oriented programming language.
C is also called Mother Language of all programming Language. It is the most widely used computer programming language, this language is used for develop system software and Operating System. All other programming languages were derived directly or indirectly from C programming concepts.
C is a procedural language in which the program revolves around the functions. The entire problem is broken down into numerous functions. The main focus of the program is on functions or procedures to get the things done.
As C is a procedural language, it follows a top-down approach of programming. Here we take the problem and then break it into sub problems until we find single sub problems that can be solved directly. Then we combine the solutions to get the main solution.
C language is helpful in the programming of embedded systems or low-level implementations.
We can say that C is a hands-on language and we can program it in whichever way we want.
In C, the main emphasis is on functions or procedures rather than on data. Hence as far as data security is concerned, it is negligible in C.
A program in C is divided into functions and modules. These functions and modules are then called by the main function or other functions for execution.
Being a procedural language, C has more emphasis on the sequence of steps or procedures to solve a problem.